
Racisma belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the varioushuman races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior andhas the right to rule others.

Racism has always been an issue in our society. During the 19th and 20th century slavery occurred racism increased in the United States of America. 

Due to the increasing globalisation, people from Africa were getting shipped to America to work for them on their plantations and in their homes so they could make money. This was known as an era of slavery and suppression. 

An estimated 12 million Africans arrived in the Americas from the 16th to the 19th centuries.

Even though the United Kingdom prohibited the trade of slaves in 1807 and slavery in 1833, there was still a lot of illegal slavery. Black people still worked on the plantations or in rich, white people's houses. Because the africans had a black skin, there were always recognised for there inferior position and past. 

Segregation and isolation became a huge problem in the United Stated. The black people were considered to be less important and powerful in society. They had different rights and were separated from the white people in public places. For example, they had different seats in the bus, different toilets, different seats in theatres and movie theatres, different drinking fountains, they couldn't attend the same schools or universities, they didn't have the right to vote and those are only a few examples. 

Black people were inferior in a white person's opinion and that was the way how the should be treated

There were some white people that disagreed with the situation, but they couldn't stand up for the black people, because people would look down on them and cast them off. 

Also many black people tried to demonstrate against the injustice, some demonstrations had a bigger impact than others. One of the most famous examples is Rosa Parks, a brave woman that had enough of the inferiority of black people. She was not able to change the situation directly, but she was a big inspiration for other black people. 

In meanwhile the situation has improved for the black people, because they were able to unite and stick out for themselves by binding together. Unfortunately there is still racism in today's society and people still believe that the colour of our skin makes a difference.

See if you could change your behaviour and stop racism. Most people don't even know that they discriminate other races in some way. Find out if skin colour or different races matter for you by doing the quiz by clicking on the link:  Are you racist?